Costly Hammer Blow
Dominic Horton
I have noticed recently that
it is becoming increasingly difficult to ponce a fag. So many people have forsaken smoking in
favour of electronic nicotine pipes that the circulation of cigarettes proper
is becoming increasingly rare in pub life.
The former Australian cricket captain Allan Border once allegedly said
that he smokes one fag a fortnight and I am in the Border camp, albeit that on
average I have a puff much less than once every two weeks. I can often go for months without smoking a
cigarette but just occasionally I enjoy standing outside the Flagon &
Gorses on Islington and watching the world go by, tab on. But I am not going to take the extreme
measure of buying my own fags when I have got this far in life poncing them off
dedicated smokers so it is a little churlish of my fellow Flagoners protecting
their health and wellbeing by switching to electronic pipes, to the detriment
of my occasional, crafty pleasure.
So effectively I have given up
smoking by default, though Fudgkins and Harry Gout might beg to differ and they
remain pipeless and are still willing to crash a fag given their generous
natures. Even Mother Teresa (who has
tried to become fagless a number of times in the past) has taken the fag pipe
route but she has yet to file a report on her progress with the Lowlife news
The etiquette around
electronic fag pipes is still developing and in terms of whether to use them
indoors in public places people can often seem a little unsure of themselves,
like Bambi unsteady on his feet emerging into the world. I am not 100% sure what the rules are in the
Flagon but fag pipe users seem to still pop outside to get their fix but that
is probably accounted for by their desire to get away from me for five minutes
or so. All of the offices at my workplace
are glass walled and I saw a bloke in another room across the way having a
surreptitious toke on a fag pipe a couple of weeks ago and while he was not
doing any harm to his colleagues that were in situ I instinctively thought that
it didn't sit right as in the office environment it fell short of being
professional. That said I have no firm
views on the matter either way. In fact
there are plenty of things that I do not have strong opinions on and sometimes
I have no opinion at all.
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Allan Border showing how many fags he has
a fortnight
The prevalence of radio
phone-ins, social media and television debate shows seems to have made us a
very opinionated population indeed and people are often quick to tell you what
they think of a particular issue even if you do not have the slightest interest
in their views. Sometimes when Flagoners
are deliberating some point of order or other they will ask me, “what do you
think?” and when I reply, “I have no opinion on the matter” they look at me with
great puzzlement, as if I had just told them that I have turned teetotal and
joined the Temperance Society.
Becoming boozeless might not
be such a bad idea as my judgement must have been clouded by something this
week when I made the foolish and ultimately costly mistake of acting upon a
plumbing tip from Willy Mantitt, of all people.
Taking advice from Mantitt on any subject is fraught with danger and
enhances the chances of financial loss, or a mishap of some description
occuring, and an expert on anything practical Willy is most assuredly not. The matter at hand was my attempt to dislodge
my mangled toilet seat, an act which was being severely hampered by the fact
that the screws had rusted and refused to budge even once they were awash with
WD40. Those of you that I am acquainted with will know that I am more of a
brandy man than a handy man and that challenges of this nature are anathema to
me but I was determined to liberate the injured seat from the karsi.
I found myself corresponding
with Mantitt by email to get an update on the Oscar Pistorius trial (which
Willy has been following diligently) when I happened to mention the toilet seat
conundrum. Willy advised me to tap the
screws with a hammer to cause vibrations which will in turn help to dislodge
the screws. Having no feasible
alternatives, and being in a state of increasing desperation due to my dear son
Kenteke's impending visit, I acted on Mantitt's suggestion and gingerly tapped
the screws with a hammer. No
success. I hit the screws a little
harder with the hammer but still to no avail.
Rising frustration lead me to abandon the gingerly tack in favour of a
more forceful approach and having previously worn the shirt of Cradley Town FC
in my footballing days I heeded their motto of “Gi' it some 'ommer.” Like most of the matches I played for Cradley
the action ended up in defeat as to my horror a number of cracks emerged in the
porcelain and the karsi sprang a leak when it was flushed, which was not the
outcome that I had envisaged. To add
insult to injury I realised that I needed a number two and I couldn't even
retreat to the Flagon to have a sit down given the earliness of the hour.
It was a case of SOS t*rd
alert and fortunately a sympathetic plumber scrambled his equivalent of Ghost
Busters who sped to Codger Mansions, red lights flashing, in express
fashion. The plumber and his mate really
were a crack squad and dealt with the job like a SWAT mission. The plumber hastily surveyed the damage to
the karsi and provided an expedient and concise expert assessment, “Your bog is
f*cked mate.” He went on to say that a
whole new toilet was needed and I asked if he could not just replace the part
that was broken but the plumber explained, “you are joking mate, this toilet is
older than God's dog so there will be no chance in finding the part in
The plumber's mate set about
ripping out the toilet while the plumber sped up to B&Q to acquire a new
one; on his return the plumber had the new karsi fitted in 20 minutes flat and
that was that. If karsi fitting doubles
was an Olympic sport these boys would undoubtedly be gold medal winners. After I had crossed the plumber's palms with
silver (in what turned out to be a very reasonably priced transaction) it was
straight to the new addition to Codger Mansions to give it a much needed test
I told Mantitt that his
plumbing tip resulted in a disaster that lead to me in parting with a number of
shekels but Willy is no stranger to litigation and is more slippery that a greased
up eel and he quickly abdicated himself of all responsibility. What comes around goes around as a few days
later his boiler packed up which left him having to part with two large, which
is a tidy sum but given all of the shadowy deals he has on the go it is mere
small change to him.
As well as a fully working
karsi I am glad to report that my health has (more or less) been restored this
week after my bout of suffering from mild-graines, tinnitus and generally being
in a less than optimum state which for once was not an ailment caused by
ingesting the wares of Mr Ping, the chef at the Rhareli Peking Chinese
takeaway. If fact my crony the Pirate,
the frolicsome landlord at the Flagon & Gorses, told me that his health
seems to be on the up after he has improved his dietary regime and kicked the
habit of eating half a dozen cream cakes every day; the Pirate is naughty but
not necessarily nice. A healthier diet
must have accounted for the Pirate’s lower blood pressure and cholesterol as it
could not be explained by exercise given that he is more sedentary than a
crippled mannequin.
Mind you, it might be wise for
me to lay off abusing the Pirate (verbally that is) as after the recent keen
trim of his beard and hair (such that is left of it) he was accused by The
Coarse Whisperer and Harry Stottle of looking like King George V; if I am not
careful the Pirate might get Chilli Willy to mince me up and add me to his swan
pâté to be eaten unwittingly by Flagoners
who try the regal foodstuff for novelty value.
Despite being a renown heavy smoker King George V was most
likely never reduced to poncing fags in the bar room of a public house in the
West Midlands but like the rest of high ranking royalty he did survive by
sponging off the state whereas the Pirate is more likely to be sponging off the
state of his sweatshirt after spilling his tea down it. Besides, the Pirate is not a royalist but a
republican. And, of course, a publican. He is lots of
other things as well, but as aforementioned I had better refrain from defaming
him too much at present so I will have to get back to it next week.
Dominic Horton, March 2014.
* EMAIL: lordhofr@gmail.com.
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